The city of Buenos Aires

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On the right bank of the River Plate is the most populous city in the southern hemisphere and, along with Mexico City, the Spanish-speaking world. Buenos Aires is not only the industrial capital, financial and commercial heart of Argentina, but also its biggest cultural center. With a modern and well developed, except some old districts such as La Boca or Barracas, Buenos Aires offers charming, with its wide streets and squares, and its beautiful gardens, inviting visitors to walk through it, enjoying be observed.

What better place to start your tour of the city of Buenos Aires to the Plaza de Mayo, a place defined in 1580 under the name of Plaza Grande by the Spanish conquistador and founder of the city Juan de Garay. During the colonial era, and according to the law of the Indies applied during the conquest of America, the Spanish conquerors had a yield land would be surrounded by the most important institutions: the Cathedral, the Cabildo, and so on.

Even today is still that spirit, this being the center of the institutional and Argentina that occurred there, and there, some of the most important events in the history of the country. Its current name refers to the revolution that began with the path of national independence. From the center of the plaza can be found in May Pyramid, built in 1811 by order of the Cabildo of Buenos Aires, to celebrate the first anniversary of the revolution of May 25, 1810.

The original work is in the novel, completed in 1856 by painter and architect Priliano Pueyrredón Argentina, and is considered the oldest monument in the city. At the top is a statue of Liberty, built by the French Duburdieu Joseph and inside the pyramid was placed on earth all the Argentine provinces.

Facing the Plaza de Mayo, in the block formed by the street Reconquista, Bartolomé Miter, May 25 and Rivadavia is the building of the Banco de la Nacion Argentina. The work belongs to the architect Alejandro Bustillo and was opened in 1944. The building covers about one hundred thousand square meters of land, their roofs are covered with copper and the doors are made of bronze and has a weight that varies between 10 and 16 tonnes. Its interior has a historical and numismatic museum that can be visited from Monday to Friday from 10 to 16 hours.

On Balcarce Street and opposite the Government House (Casa Rosada), the monument is the creator of the flag and hero of independence: the General Manuel Belgrano. As to the Government House, the seat of the presidency of the republic, occupies the building that originally was the old fort in the city and then in 1873 began the building of the post office. The building is guarded by soldiers of the Grenadier Regiment of Horse, a regiment created by the historic General San Martín in 1812. Two Saturdays a month at 11 am, is the changing of the guard ceremony, with banda music.

On the side of the Casa Rosada, on Avenida Rivadavia y Leandro N. Alem is the Monument to Juan de Garay, founder of the city. And right in front of the Casa Rosada is located the Columbus Monument, conducted in 1921. If we put toward the Casa Rosada, on our right, they will see the Palace of Post and the building corresponding to the Prefecture, and to our left, the Command in Chief of the Army. Also on our left, but right in front of Government House, they will see the Ministry of Economy, Public Works and Services.

If we move down the street Hipolito Yrigoyen on the front of the Ministry of Economy watch their marbles seriously damaged as a result of the bombing that took place at the Casa Rosada and Plaza de Mayo during the call of the Revolution Liberator June 16, 1955, in which tried to overthrow then-President Perón.

On the same street, in the block of the Casa Rosada is the Museo de la Casa de Gobierno. You may be material, costumes and documents related to the activities of the various presidents of Argentina. They can also be seen the remains of the Customs Taylor, the old customs of Buenos Aires, who was buried beneath the Casa Rosada.

If we continue along Calle Hipólito Yrigoyen until, again, Balcarce, we are just at Balcarce 139, with the National Academy of History, whose interior is the former National Congress which operated between 1864 and 1905.

One block away, at the intersection of Avenida Belgrano with Defense, is the Church of Santo Domingo, completed in 1779, in whose courtyard is the mausoleum that holds the remains of General Manuel Belgrano. In one of its towers still impacts cannonballs received between 1806 and 1807, during the struggle for the reconquest of the city then occupied by the invading British troops.

Inside the temple is one of the banners caught the British in the middle of the bloody war. Defense alight in the street. At number 372 is the Museo Nacional del Grabado, which can be visited from Monday to Friday and Sunday from 14 to 18 hours and admission is free.

In Alsina, and defense is the basilica of San Francisco, 1754. It has a single nave and altar after a carpet was placed with scenes from the life of St. Francis of Assisi, designed by the artist Horacio Butler between 1968 and 1976. Adjacent to the Basilica is the Chapel of San Roque, restored in 1965. Presents his ship on the high altar and lateral images of the eighteenth century.

Opposite the temple is the City Museum, located in a house in 1894. Its purpose is to rescue the memory of the city, its heritage and architectural objects. They hold many different objects, from a button to architectural elements, furniture and objects related to the daily life of early century Buenos Aires. On the ground floor and as an integral part of the museum, is also the Star Pharmacy, preserved as it looked in 1900 and decorated with paintings allusive.

National Historical Museum

Just a few blocks later, we arrive at the Cabildo de Buenos Aires, now a historic monument, designed by the Jesuit architect Andrés Blanqui in 1580. Underwent several reforms, most recently in 1933 by the architect Mario Buschiazzo. In there, the National Historical Museum of the Cabildo and the May Revolution which displays collections of weapons, medals and furniture of the era of Independence (siglo XIX). At the intersection of Rivadavia and San Martín is the Catedral Metropolitana, with its neoclassical facade. It was built in 1827 on his forehead and there are twelve columns symbolizing the apostles.

The interior is divided into five naves. On the right aisle is the Mausoleum of General José de San Martín, hero of the maximum Argentina, the work of French sculptor Albert Carrier Belleuse. Its construction was used pink marble, topped by an imperial red tombstone which is located in a sarcophagus of black Belgian.

Only remains to say that riding on the Pampas Argentina.

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  1. Cordova – Argentina Says:

    […] The most recommended! The city of Buenos Aires. […]

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