Archive for the ‘Tourism Asia’ Category

Jodhpur, the blue city of spices

sábado, diciembre 31st, 2011

In India, some people choose to ignore the smell of other issues of survival and how they feel sharper, no one knows exactly why. In my case, I belong to the second group, I am particularly acute in terms of flavor, but upon arriving in Jodhpur, the city hooked me above the noise, the rattling of autoricksaw, pollution and the thin dust rising from early in the morning, smelling spices.

Jodhpur, the blue city of spices

Photography by michael clarke stuff

Knowing the city:

In the foothills of the Mehrangarh fort, a network of streets where it is impossible to maintain a steady course, extend the blue houses of Jodhpur. This curious tone that initially distinguished the houses of the Brahmins, was adopted throughout the city to ward off the heat, and apparently also to mosquitoes. (más…)

Batu Caves in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia

martes, diciembre 27th, 2011

The Batu Caves are caves with Hindu temples are about 20 km from Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. This is a place well worth all know what this means in this part of Malaysia and which textually and imaginatively explore in this blog.

Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia

Photography by carolynconner

The Batu Caves on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur:

The Batu Caves are one of the most visited by Hindus outside India. The Batu Caves are dedicated to the god Karttikeya, or also known as Murugan in Malaysia. The god Murugan or Karttikeya, son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, is the god of war, represented with six heads, fighting against the army of demons with the win, the army of Shiva. (más…)

Malawi, one of the great places unknown

jueves, septiembre 22nd, 2011

Tourist attractions in Malawi

The African continent, the third in Asia behind Planet’s surface and America currently has 53 independent states with few dependent territories of European countries (France’s Reunion and Mayotte, St. Helena of Great Britain, Portugal Madeira, and Canary Ceuta and Melilla in Spain), another is disputed territory (Western Sahara). If most of us have asked us to quote on behalf of all African countries, is probably little we can list, at best, half or less, and would inquire chimeric by the respective capitals. That goes to show what Africa is unknown, even for seasoned travelers. One case of countries that have gone to be ignored is Malawi.


Photography by fiverlocker

Location to Malawi: (más…)

Yangshuo – Guilin Paradise

sábado, mayo 21st, 2011

Yangshuo is a small town near Guilin, in Guangxi province in China. The visitor to this area will be captivated by the lush hills and peaks that surround this paradise between the Li and Yulong rivers. A show that a tourist in China can not lose no doubt.


Photography by Bernt Rostad

The town of Yangshuo is on the banks of the Li and Yulong River, surrounded by beautiful mountain peaks and spectacular. This population is very popular among backpackers (backpacking) around the world who visit China also recently begun to receive national tourism. Yangshuo is the central point to visit all the sites near the village, so we recommend visitors to reserve three days in Yangshuo to enjoy the area. Here you can enjoy biking, hiking, river rafting or caving, among many other activities. (más…)

Tokyo, between luxury and cutting edge

jueves, abril 21st, 2011

Tokyo dawn seven hours before the Western world, and that is seen in organized people in the streets vibrant energy, its cosmopolitan style and unique idiosyncrasies, which make it the great metropolis of the twenty-first century, leaving little room for improvisation. Our arrival in Japan coincides with the sunset on a Saturday night when the rest of the planet began to rise almost the rule of the rising sun and the star sun goodbye.


Photography by Grantuking

This is a perfect time to contemplate from the west window of the plane the sacred symbol of the country, the great Mount Fuji, resurgent in all its splendor and majesty of an ocean of white clouds white. Background for this scene almost dreamlike ambient music recreating the sound of birds in a Japanese Zen garden moved to a place where time and space disappear for a moment. And as a backdrop for this unique show, Narita International Airport travelers receiving hospital, but with stony silence.  (más…)

Visits to Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam

lunes, febrero 28th, 2011

Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam and its name means the city beyond the river. Hanoi is a «typical» Asian capital, with all the good and bad that implies this definition to a modern city. Its streets and chaotic traffic, street restaurantes, their small bikes and sidewalks occupied by the heat during summer allows any visitor to realize that in an Asian city. However, Hanoi also has a charm that other cities do not have, for example, be a city without too many skyscrapers, with neighborhoods (or rather street) separated by offices such as Beijing’s hutongs.


Photography by Eustaquio Santimano

From Hanoi we recommend to wander through its streets in the center while you are visiting sites in the city with which it is best to move with a certain type of transportation, whether by motorcycle or tuk-tuk Vietnamese. (más…)

Sapa in the mountains of Vietnam

sábado, febrero 26th, 2011

Sapa was probably one of the most beautiful and unspoiled places in Vietnam to make treckings and rest on the mountain. Probably twenty years ago, when mass tourism was not yet invaded the northern ethnic groups in Vietnam and had to mostly ethnic women street vendors wandering barefoot on the roads between the rice fields with the sole purpose of sell trinkets and souvenirs while talking on his mobile phone. Phrases like «you buy me» or «you buy for me?» Possibly the most repeated are tourists.


Photography by David McKelvey

How to get to Sapa?

Sapa is one of the most touristic places in northern Vietnam, (más…)

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