Traveling to Chachapoyas

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Chachapoyas por GaSsY7.

Chachapoyas and Tourist Attractions

City of Spanish influence, the capital of the Amazonas region, located in the jungle in northeastern Peru, consists of jungle and mountain regions with a preponderance of forest area, located at an altitude of 2,334 m, temperate climate moderately rainy, but despite being a hot zone of the visitor trusted because there are places where the temperature drops to 2 degrees. Far from the city of Lima 1 191 kilometers, the lowest pass of the mountain is located in the Andean area Parcullá part of its territory.

Chachapoyas is a city of spacious house with tile roofs, beautiful balconies, delicate gardens and surrounded by orchards, people very friendly and religious framework that is mainly observed on the feast of Easter and the feast of the Virgin Assunta where participation of all inhabitants and visitors, tourist season which carries on different religious, cultural, recreational and social.

Chachapoyas has a varied and tasty cuisine, which emphasizes the vote, banquet prepared with poultry seasoning to accompany a large table with guinea pigs, pumpkins, cassava, bread and brandy. We can also appoint other typical dishes like shipasmute, shirumbi, spicy guinea pig, beef jerky and pork tamales, and locro humitas.

Traveling to Chachapoyas

It is part of the tourist calendar carnival in the months of February and March, the feast in the manner of the jungle with parties, water and liquor.

The Easter feast of great spirit of contemplation and meditation. The traditional festival of the crosses, which falls on May 3rd.  On 29 July, we celebrate the feast of the Virgen del Carmen in Leymebamba.
The patron saint festival which pays tribute to Our Lady of matter on August 15.
The anniversary of the city on September 5.

peru por levi lezama.

Tourist Attractions:

Chachapoyas has many tourist attractions, the main are:

The archaeological site of Yalape, stone buildings mixed with mud. Macro housing complex located on the right bank of the river Utcubamba. Luya, home to the monumental fortress of Kuelap and other archaeological remains. Bongara Boasting the most beautiful and unique orchids in the world and Lake Pomacochas, tourist attraction. The region of Rodriguez de Mendoza with great natural attractions, located in the jungle. Utcubamba canyon with lots of natural resources and opportunities to practice adventure tourism is the main attraction with its steep slopes and beautiful orchids.

Gocta Falls, considered the third highest in the world and one of the most beautiful, a walk of between 3 to 5 hours from San Pedro Valera or Cocachimba you to it, depending on their physical strength.

La ultima caida de Yumbilla por evancito.

Access to Chachapoyas is done from the coast, via Cajamarca or Olmos and by air from Lima. Fernando Belaúnde Terry highway at the height of Pedro Ruiz Gallo is a way affirmed, has now begun to pave the road, takes us on a journey to Chachapoyas two hours.

Chachapoyas has hotel and hostels, also restaurants offering typical dishes of the city. Tour operators will organize visits to important places.

Hotel Revash - Chachapoyas por Médéric.

Good Travel!

One Response to “Traveling to Chachapoyas”

  1. Arthur Says:

    I will always remember my journey to the Amazon in Peru; it was an unforgettable experience that changes my life. If you have the opportunity to visit Peru, you must go to the Amazon and stay for at least a week to know biological reserves, parks, rivers, and its flora and fauna. Also, I want to recommend you to stay in Rainforest Expeditions, an Amazon lodges in Peru that offers the best of this part of Peru.

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