Ruins of the Maya site of Copan in Honduras

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Maya ruins of Copan por Amanda.Jackson.

The Copan Ruins are located in the western part of the Republic of Honduras, Central America and in the department of Copan. The capital of this department is the city of Santa Rosa de Copan, formerly known as «Los Llanos».

Copan archaeological site is a city and a fundamental part of the Mayan world as it is where the great Mayan civilization developed and flourished. The area comprises 325,000 square kilometers runs from the southeastern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and part of El Salvador).

San Jose de Copan, situated one kilometer from the main group of ruins in this archeological zone, is a modern city that was founded in the last century and today is known as the Copan Ruins. It has a population of about 3,000 people and has a colonial look. The city has a good electrical service, water and hotels.

Explore the ruins:
The ruins consist of a huge complex consisting of several plazas and many temples built on several levels. The surrounding mountains full of trees snuff large holdings in the valley. Tourists can enjoy a sky that is free of contamination and can see the shadows of passing clouds move over the mountains and fields of snuff, no doubt an unforgettable place for its beauty and tranquility. During the excursions you can see monkeys, macaws, sloths any other in the trees and wild pigs.

Different areas of the ruins at Copan:
Different areas of Copan, offer visitors an outstanding list of objects and Mayan architecture. The detail and volume of the stone carvings are breathtaking. So far 4509 structures have been detected and 3450 of them are in a radius of only 24 square kilometers surrounding the Main Group.

The main group consists of five basic areas of interest:

– The Acropolis – Divided in two big plazas: the west court and this court. The courtyard houses west of Temple 11 and Temple 16, with the altar Q set at its base. The temple sits on 16 «Maya court» between East and West, which was built over an earlier temple without damaging it. Altar Q represents the 16 members of the Copan dynasty.

El Salvador Tazumal D3065a por youngrobv (Rob & Ale).

– The Tunnels – Archaeologists have excavated 4 kilometers of tunnels under the Acropolis to see the first stages of civilization at Copan and two tunnels are open to the public for a small additional entry.
– The Ball Game – The site for the Mayan ball game is the second largest found in Central America.
– The hieroglyphic stairway – is the most famous of the monuments of Copan, 63 steps and several thousand glyphs that tell the story of the royal house of Copan, and is the largest known Mayan civilization text.
– La Gran Plaza – The vast square is famous for its stelae and altars that are spread across manicured lawns. Besides the park, two museums contain artifacts and information about the Mayan civilization.
In Copan Ruinas, tourists can spend a beautiful day with a quiet sleep, because the site has lots of peace. In most hotel in the area speak English and hotels are quite good at value for money.

Central Acropolis at Tikal por auntjojo.

Good luck there!

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