The best beaches and coastal cities of the Ionian Sea

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The Ionian Sea is limited to the west by Italy, including Sicily and Calabria, and to the east by the Ionian Islands, and finally by Greece in the northwest. The Ionian Sea is famous for its beautiful clear waters that are wide beaches. Its coasts are characterized by their intense life of the Mediterranean flora. This sea is a key tourist spots and here we present you the best.

The small town of Soverato
It is one of the most popular resorts and beautiful of the Ionian Coast. It is even called «the pearl of the Ionian. It is ideal for a summer holiday on the coast, because the city of Soverato enjoys a temperate climate and wonderful beaches with crystal clear waters.

Beach Soverato
In this town you can enjoy sun, sea and a wonderful landscape. Appear silvery beaches and from them you can see the fantastic views of the Gulf of Squillace fascinating.

During the summer holiday is very typical of the Holy Mary of Porto Salvo, held the second Sunday in August with a parade of boats, games and fireworks. During the summer, the holy place, very popular and fun.
This famous city calabriense has good deals on hotels, so we suggest you look for a hotel in Soverato.

Isola di Capo Rizzuto: marine reserve
Isola di Capo Rizzuto is a protected area since 1991 and is the largest marine reserve of the whole Calabrian coast. Besides being a natural reserve, Isola is known for its historical monuments: the remains of fortifications and towers, relics of the walls, the Sanctuary of the Madonna Greca …

Capo Colonna: Santuario della Madonna
In addition to enjoying the wonderful beaches, you can admire stunning landscapes such as the beacon of Capo Colonna. Diving enthusiasts will not regret having chosen this destination, as Isola di Capo Rizzuto offers wonderful sea floor, where you can see the sand bank of the Torre Capo Cimiti Cannone or large bank of Capo Rizzuto.

We recommend a series of hotels in Isola di Capo Rizzuto you encourage you to visit this beautiful city.

Riserva Marina di Isola di Capo Rizzuto

JoRoccella, a modern city
It is the ideal destination for those who want to combine the beach with a fantastic days idle life of the city. Roccella has an impressive promenade from which you can see the Plaza de San Vitorio and some ancient Egyptian columns.

Today, this city is a hub port with a modern seaside resort. It is an ideal destination for summer, because many events are held on an international basis.

One Response to “The best beaches and coastal cities of the Ionian Sea”

  1. Florence from Italy Says:

    […] from the fourteenth century, the regional capital of Tuscany and one of the most beautiful cities in Italy. It has 365,966 […]

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