Xian Terracotta Warriors

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In 1974, some farmers seeking water after a drought in central China, found when digging a trench in the territory of Xian. What would be surprised to make the excavation? Then they found inside the pit an army of more than 7000 men ready for battle, with their horses and weapons. These men of eternal and immortal made of terracotta, were the guardians of the tomb of China’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, who ruled for over 2200 years the Asian territory.

Xian Terracotta Warriors

Photography by kevinpoh

The complex was discovered as a result of that excavation continues to astonish the world even today. The terracotta figures (Terracotta Warriors) were created under the belief that, after death, the emperor would still command his army. They are buried in battle formation in three pits (at least at three pits were found.) They are located just over a mile from the tomb of the Emperor, who were supposed to care for and serve.

It is worth noting that each figure is unique and different from the other, with different armor, gestures, and weapons. The uniforms also reflect the military ranks of the time. In the first pit were 6000 figures, a whole army, and was open to the public in 1979.

The second pit is the «Trench of the Generals», because it is believed that the figures there, buried just under 70, are representations of Staff of the emperor. There are also figures of horses.

Finally, the third pit complex contains about one thousand warriors, many of which have not yet been restored or excavated.

Historical monuments in China

Photography by romainguy

The body of each Terracotta Warrior, considered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1987, consists of a hollow torso solid legs. The heads and hands were developed separately and then attached to the body. Furthermore, originally, the soldiers were painted with details in blue, black, red and green.
The details of the work was such that even the clothing buckles were carved delicately in each of the figures. In addition, the soldiers had guns, spears, swords, bows and arrows. But the area was apparently looted and stolen weapons. There are also 600 horses and 100 chariots accompany the training of warriors.

Some data may not have been such soldier is said to be originally were fully colored, well yes, it is said that one of these soldiers is exposed in the museum, unfortunately one of the main problems being grappled with in each excavation Xian is the intention of unearthing new figures of warriors without managing to lose its original color since the early 90 century a group of German scientists working with the Chinese government can solve this problem.

The Terracotta

Photography by putneymark

If you decide to see them live and live, let us tell you that at present the terracotta figures can be seen on the Museum of the Terracotta Army of the First Qin Emperor in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, which poses in the northwestern part of China. Also worthwhile to inform you that on several occasions, some of the figures come out on tour as the British Museum in London.

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