Travel Segorbe in Castellón

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La Carrera por falutx.

Halfway between the highlands of Aragon and the Valencian coast, the noble, loyal and heroic city of Segorbe throbs in the heart of the valley along the river Palancia, between the mountains of Swords and the Calderon.

Administrative capital, commercial and religious Palancia High-Castellón Segorbe diocese also has a great historical and artistic heritage of cultural interest declared in 2000, a natural environment of great interest. The capital of the region of Alto Palancia, Segorbe, ancient town, episcopal, royal, ducal manor, is located 358 meters above sea level, about 56 km from Valencia, 65 km from Castellón de la Plana and 87 km from Teruel.

Located along the river Palencia, Segorbe is flanked by the Natural Parks of Sierra de Espadas (north) and the Sierra Calderona (south). Its population exceeds 9,000 inhabitants and archaeological sites have confirmed human presence in the Cerro de Sopeña from about 3,500 years ago.

Tours Sergobe:
The tour begins with an essential visit to the Cathedral (XIV-XVI centuries), and in particular, its Gothic cloister (XIII century) with the Chapel of El Salvador, and on whose top floor is the Cathedral Museum with a of the best collections of medieval tables.

Other interesting religious buildings are the church of St. Martin in the Augustinian convent, where stands the Gothic altarpiece Jacomart Ribalta and pictures, the church of San Pedro Apostol, San Joaquin and Santa Ana, founded in 1642. From the old city walls are preserved towers and Botxí Jail ( «executioner») and the arc of the Veronica.

How to visit?
The next visit may well be the corporate headquarters located in the majestic palace of the Dukes of Medinaceli. Then, we stop at the Municipal Archaeological Museum.

After checking the hospital’s neo-classical elements, we will relax with a long but very nice walk along the promenade Sopeña around Cerro de la Estrella, where the remains of the medieval fortress set on the Arab fortress. Another possibility to enjoy a quiet moment is lost walking through the square of the Botanical Pau. The known route of the Sources do not fit any doubt the visitor who approaches the source of the provinces.

There is a monument to art and aquatic fun is Segóbriga Park, which is the first indoor aquatic complex in the province of Castellon. Its facilities have attractions for all ages: water areas connected by bridges, Jacuzzis, water slides, souvenir shop, restaurant, etc.. But what really sets it apart from other water parks is the atmosphere around the complex thematic allusion to the most outstanding architectural elements Segorbe.

parque acuatico segorbe por viajesconpeques.


As for the holidays at the Entrance of Segorbe have horses and bulls. Their most important festival, was declared in 2005, Fiesta of International Tourist Interest. The popular and known input Segorbe Bulls and Horses, whose first documentary evidence dates back to s. XIV retain all the peculiarities that its creators knew you print. Especially, referring to the emotion and risk involved in this magnificent spectacle in the herd of bulls is clothed and guided through the streets of Columbus by a dozen clever and brave riders.

This spectacular festival is held during the second week of September, Monday to Sunday and at two in the afternoon. Witnessing a crowd of people, forming a wall along stereotyped and width of the trail, making these days the capital of Upper Palancia in a city increasingly visited by tourists and amateur bull.

Sergobe is waiting for a different vacation!

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