Posts Tagged ‘Barranca de Cobre’

Barrancas del Cobre – Tours in México

miércoles, febrero 4th, 2009

La Barranca del Cobre, located deep in the Sierra Madre Occidental, is actually a series of 20 cannons deployed grandeur a four times higher than the Grand Canyon in Arizona, but is different in nature, but narrow, more deep and thick vegetation. Home to the Tarahumara Indians (Rarámuri), the Sierra Madre is rich in history and legends, haunted by the relentless shadows of fallen warriors, martyred Jesuits and Pancho Villa for the hosts.

La Barranca del Cobre certainly qualifies to be considered an ecological reserve and national park and world heritage site. This famous system of canyons is one of the natural wonders, cultural and historical Mexico. (más…)

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