The calendar of festivals and started in Salvador, the capital of Bahia. It is at this time of year, visitors can witness interesting ceremonies, processions, music and «batucada».
Photography by Vacacion
Famous for its history, the legacy of the peoples of other continents, their cultural background, religious syncretism and hospitable people, Salvador’s a stage and subject matter of professionals from different areas for a long time. Popular demonstrations, through several generations, have been a strong cultural trait of the city of Salvador.
Lord of Bonfim:
In January, we celebrate the Feast of the Lord of Bonfim with washing the steps of his church, held usually on the second Monday of January. In February, the calendar of events includes the feast of lemanja. That same day (due to religious syncretism) is celebrated the feast of Our Lady of the Navigators (or candle).
Orixá lemanja is more popular. The divinities are gods of Candomblé, a religion that originated in the city of Ife, in Africa and Yoruba blacks brought to Brazil. In your party, tourists and devotees put offerings on the beach of Rio Vermelho.
Undoubtedly the best-known festival in the world and attracts millions of viewers in addition to the extras. This festival which starts on 19 and lasts until February 24, whose monumental costumes full of feathers, sequins and all kinds of brightness have been made by skilled seamstresses who are at the last minute needle in hand to leave no loose threads. With the electric trios travel circuits Campo Grande (center) and Bar-Ondina (sea shore), in addition to the «blocos» in the Pelourinho.
Photography by Fotos Gov/Ba
Feast of Bonfim:
Usually on the second Thursday of January. Salvador – Long Hill and Bonfin. Representative Oxalá African god, Lord of Bonfim is the saint of greater devotion in Bahia. In the popular festival highlights the washing steps of the Church of the Lord of Bonfim, generally made on the second Thursday of January.
The party starts with the output, in the morning, the traditional procession of Bahia of the Church of the Virgin of the Conception of the beach, participants will walk to the Church of Bonfim, washing with water scented broom and throw the steps of the Church.
This festival has a French version bahiaza. Since 2002, the Franco-Brazilian «Viva Madeleine» discloses an edition of the festival in Paris, in the church of Santa Magdalena, (called L ‘Eglise de la Madeleine). The aim of the organizers is to promote an ecumenical spirit and values of peace and tolerance, based on the principles of the party Bahia.
Feast of lemanja: Salvador – Rio Vermelho
Fishermen and devotees celebrated with a procession by sea, in a host of ships, carrying flowers and gifts to the Queen of the Waters, in most public manifestation of religion Candomblé. In the Rio Vermelho neighborhood, the town gets the party started listening to the songs and rhythms from various military tents in the squares and streets of the neighborhood.
The festival originated in 1920 at the initiative of fishermen. As passed a difficult period, called a spiritual help «Mae de Santo» (Holy mother), who advised them to make an offering to the goddess of the sea. She explained how they should do, and thus learned the procedure of how to honor lemanja. The result was positive, so the fishermen decided to hold the festival every year to ensure a good catch.
Is between 19 to February 24. It takes place in Salvador – Pelourinho, Municipal Square / Campo Grande, Barra / Ondina, by Area – within the state. This event portrays the big time festivals calendar of Bahia. The Carnival is characterized by the presentation of blocos afros and electric trios. In 1996, the Pelourinho became one of the three circuits of Bahian Carnaval (center of the city, or gives primeiro folia, seashore ea), with special programming aimed at the carnivals of old, even in the decoration of the streets and squares, with marching bands and «blocos» disguise.
Photography by Fotos Gov/Ba
Enjoy your trip!
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