Path to Silicon Valley Part II
In the previous post we talked about the route through the Silicon Valley. Today we explain the origin of Silicon Valley and visits to historic HP garage at the Googleplex in Mountain View and Stanford, among many other things has been the breeding ground of most technology companies now occupy the entire the Silicon Valley.
Photography by Franco Folini
In this post we will find out where the garage where Apple and Facebook was created.
Garage of Steve Jobs:
In the garage of the family of Steve Jobs, in mid 1970, Steve Wozniak and he created his first computer, which would be the predecessor to the Macintosh. They managed to sell it to the store Byte Shop in Mountain View, and the rest is history.
How to get to the garage where he created the first Macintosh?
The mythical Jobs family’s garage is in the 2066 Crist Drive in Los Altos, between Cupertino and Mountain View.
What began in the garage of the family of Steve Jobs, today is now one of the most successful companies of the technological landscape, the creators of our culture icon products such as iPod, iPhone, iMac, or most recently the iPad. Apple is a company that if something has emphasized from the beginning is by design and innovation and simplicity applied to all products. Apple headquarters in Cupertino remains today.
Visit Apple has the same difficulty to visit any other company in Silicon Valley, however, you can see the offices of the workers. Steve Jobs has introduced extreme security measures so that nobody can know in advance what the next developments of the company and its employees working in bunkers where to enter must pass through several security systems. So if your dream is to visit the table where they are designing the next iPhone, you have very complicated …
However, at the offices of Cupertino is the only place where you can buy Apple merchandise. Not only in the Apple website selling merchandise, so you can zoom only take some kind of geeks shirt with slogans like «I’ma PC» or «I’ma Mac».
Photography by christianrasmussen
Where is Apple?
For the nerds, the funny thing is the location of Apple because the street is called Infinite Loop and is in Cupertino. Therefore, if you want to visit Apple must go to No. 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino.
Facebook is the latest mega corporation or is in the process of being, this firm was born of a room at Stanford University, and after only 7 years of existence has become the social network and one of the most influential companies in the world more than 400 million users today. Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook from his bedroom set on the campus of Stanford in 2003, the creation is not without controversy, with legal proceedings still open for part of those who commissioned a similar project after Zuckerberg used as an idea for own development.
Until a year ago, Facebook had several offices throughout Palo Alto and Silicon Valley. But recently when the new offices have been released for Facebook, at the Stanford Research Park in Palo Alto. Walking through its offices and meet with Mark Zuckerberg can become normal and he walks around the office like a more worker.
Where are the offices of Facebook? Facebook’s offices are in Palo Alto in 1601 of the California Avenue.
In Silicon Valley or San Francisco will find other companies like Yahoo, the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Microsoft, eBay or Mozilla. Does anyone remember the company Netscape? also had offices here, but do not go on this route may be of interest to visit provided you have a contact within that allows you to access and can and guide you during your stay in their offices. Visit may also give you another view of what are the offices in the U.S. …
Photography by raneko
If you want to see some pictures of offices of these companies do not forget to visit our blog
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