Archive for the ‘Castle’ Category

Palace of Knossos

miércoles, agosto 5th, 2009

No Bull!

With 17,000 square meters and over 1,500 rooms, the palace of Knossos (Cnosos or) was the main construction Minoan palace of culture, home of the legendary King Minos, and according to Greek mythology, also of the Minotaur, the half man and be fantastic half bull for which the king ordered the construction of the mythical labyrinth. (más…)

Edinburgh: A city between legend and history

lunes, agosto 3rd, 2009

City of Edinburgh, with half a million inhabitants, lies on seven hills. A walk between streets is exciting but it is hard for your continued slopes and stairs. Both up and down gives us a range of viewpoints. The great strength, the emblem of the city stands proud and majestic: Castle Rock, the first Celtic to the fortress which defended the city. From here you can distinguish the whole city, both its old and its new part. The castle was built on 135 meters of basaltic rock. On an extinct volcano that was built back in the sixth century. Since the eleventh century was the residence of kings, but for two centuries, became a real stronghold that was captured on several occasions by the British in their fight with the Scots. Thus, in 1313, decided to demolish its walls. Soon after, in the year 1356, King David II was the one who gave it its current image. (más…)

Olivenza: Places of Spain

lunes, julio 27th, 2009

 Muralla de Olivenza (Badajoz- España)

In the province of Badajoz in Spain there is a corner at least curious. It is the people of Olivenza of about 10,000 inhabitants, located almost on the border with Portugal. His curiosity is that, for many years, was on the borderline between the two countries, to belong to the country for quite some time luso. That meant that today we see a Olivenza marked by its geographical location and its history. (más…)

Ollantaytambo Inca city

martes, julio 21st, 2009

Ollantaytambo por mtchm.

The pre-Columbian cultures continue to fascinate, and about 80 km from Cuzco, the capital of the Inca Empire, is another monumental archaeological settlement: Ollantaytambo, the only city in the Inca empire in Peru still inhabited, built on 2 mountains in a very strategic which dominates the entire valley. (más…)

El Castillo San Carlos, musa de Saint-Exupéry

sábado, junio 20th, 2009

In the Argentine city of Concordia in the province of Entre Rios, a legendary castle which was once a source of inspiration for the famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: The San Carlos Castillo.

The almost one hundred hectares of the settlement of San Carlos passed through several hands since 1867. That same year Manuel Bica became owner, but his death was Carlos Alberti who bought the land for the purpose of installing a salt. Years later was sold to a French firm that wanted to establish a cannery. For this was sent from Paris Demachy Eduard, who bought the land and build the remote mansion on the Lomada more importantly, it brought only with drawings of France. (más…)

England, Harry Potter and the real world

jueves, junio 11th, 2009

For a moment think about the adventures of the young wizard with the lightning bolt in the front place in some of the most evocative of the United Kingdom, discover those enclaves is a fun and different way of penetrating the charm of the British Isles. (más…)

Flanders routes

domingo, junio 7th, 2009

Netherlands, Belgium, Flanders … Multiple names to designate a unique and vibrant region. At present, the term of medieval Flanders leads to a symbolic territory, suggesting a jewel quiet and well kept, which are located in the heart of the old continent seems beat to the rhythm of a mysterious past cultural and political appears to have stopped in time.
A careful conservation of architectural space and a natural harmonious and integrated, which tastes the best chocolate artisan, there are six varieties of beer, or which serves the best mussels with french fries cannot fail to surprise the visitor who immediately feel flattered by such a joyous welcome. (más…)

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