Archive for the ‘Others Travel’ Category

Israel: Tourism Saint

viernes, marzo 6th, 2009

Legendary the State of Israel, the Asian country located in the southeastern Mediterranean shore, is part of the Oriente region. Its borders are shared with Syria and Jordan to the east, south-west Egypt and Lebanon to the north. In addition, its southern coast in the Gulf of Aqaba, is washed by the waters of the Red Sea, while the waves wash the beaches of the western Mediterranean. Israel is a destination for historical and religious excellence, where the past and present coexist intermingling between the hustle and bustle of the streets.
Weather (más…)

Transportation in Spain

miércoles, enero 14th, 2009

Transportation System in Spain is well developed. Spain Transportation comprises of a good network of air, road and railways which connects every place in Spain. The public transport system in Spain is very much frequent and efficient in Spain.

The railway system is an efficient and frequent part of the Spain Transportation, operated by the state. The state owns a rail company which is called Red Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Espanoles, and is popularly known as RENFE . The services and fares vary with the distance and the mode of transport chosen. There are faster railways and slower railways. The railway system of Spain is considered to be the best in whole of Europe. RENFE service is easily available in the major cities of Spain, whereas the smaller towns are served by a network of private railways. The railway network operating in the smaller towns are known as FFCC . The short distance local trains that runs through the cities in Spain are called Tranvia , more popular as Tram, which is again a part of the transportation system of Spain. (más…)

Holiday in Barcelona

martes, mayo 20th, 2008

If that long earned holiday or break is looming and your looking for something different then discover Spain.

Cataluña is a good choice, Barcelona is tempting.  Both finely developed and boastig some of the most interesting buildings in the world.  The cuisine festivals that are annually displayed are some of the most intereting and colourful events in Spain.

Barcelona is located on the shores of the mediteranean sea.  The climate is warm, but not too humid.  The city has a rich history that goes back to the days of the Gothic Renaissance.  Also with its new and modern infrastructure it has somthing for everyone. (más…)

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