Chiapas: Adventure Sports in Mexico

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Chiapas is one of the places and not only Mexico if not the world, with a great natural wealth, its rock formations, its canyons, waterfalls attracts every year thousands of tourists, this is one of the favorite destinations for a variety activities among which are:

River rafting:
This exciting activity is a major entertainment that can take place in Chiapas, the lovers of strong emotions cannot miss the opportunity to perform, to enjoy a scenic journey through waterfalls, enjoying the lush green paradise with this place has. One place where you can conduct this activity is the Rio La Venta Canyon located over 60 km west of Tuxtla Gutierrez.


Exciting adventures on the rivers in the sometimes unfathomable Chiapas geography. A whole world to explore, a verdant paradise that offers intensive circuits in powerful torrents, mainly:
La Venta Canyon, adventure driven by the river La Venta, a magnificent river surrounded by rock walls. The course presents sections of 90 meters wide, although there are areas where there are funnels carvernas impressive 10 meters. Located 53 km from Tuxtla Gutiérrez, the state capital of Chiapas.

Presa Girls (Sink Canyon) is a reservoir 32 miles long, fed by the mighty river Grijalva. During the trips there are waterfalls, caves and the canyon walls of the sink, from a unique and exciting angle.
The adventure begins at the pier of Chiapa de Corzo, located 16 km from Tuxtla Gutiérrez, the state capital of Chiapas.

Decrease in Rappel:
For those daring them Chiapas has saved one of the crazy adventures, abseiling, feel the excitement down the walls of the mountains that this magnificent place has some of the places that allow you to practice this sport are Canyon National Park sink located in Tuxtla Gutierrez, the Waterfall Chorreadero located in Chiapa de Corzo and Chasm of Cotorras located 44 km west of Tuxtla Gutiérrez

The Tyrolese today is part of the main attractions in one of most beautiful places in Chiapas, Park Canyon sink, intrepid visitors do not lose the opportunity to undertake this activity is causing some anxiety but other thing is bold, this little journey will leave you to appreciate the high vegetation around the place that counts.

Enjoy and admire the beauty of one of the most beautiful places in Mexico through a bike tour, you will witness the peace and purity in Chiapas still retains many of its corners, feel free and enjoy a beautiful walk, which assessed the diversity of its vegetation.

Rivers Expeditions by:
Walk some of the most beautiful attractions such as River Ácana, Usumacinta River, the beauty of its spectacular waterfalls and canyons, the course traveled by boat or kayak will have the opportunity to know and appreciate the flora and fauna characteristic of rainforests of Chiapas and mahoganies huge ceiba trees, orchids, sarahuatos monkeys, spider monkeys, coatis, toucans, parrots, lizards, among others, and if we are lucky we can hear at night to the elusive tapir and jaguar.

Andalusia Chiapas can come take a journey through his extensive jungle guided by knowledgeable experts in the region to have direct contact with nature will surprise you all that we can offer and get a sense of peace and relaxation and hear the murmur from its extensive vegetation. Undoubtedly one of the walks is activities of choice for many vacationers.

For those who like to holiday with plenty of adrenaline.
Chiapas is one of the places listed in the world.
Shows that adrenaline that got in!

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