Archive for the ‘Tourism Central America’ Category

Lake Atitlan in Guatemala

jueves, junio 25th, 2009

view of Lake Atitlan por Zé Eduardo....

Sometimes nature offers us amazing places, places that we are beyond our knowledge, had never heard mentioned until you see on TV or a friend tells us. And in general, tend to be places that, by its root unknown perhaps increase its charm, as well as the beauty in themselves have. Today we will visit one of those places where nature displays its splendor. We are close to Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. (más…)

Panama – The Country of the abundant fish and butterflies

jueves, abril 16th, 2009

The meaning of the name of Panama, it is abundance of fish and abundance of butterflies. Has an area of 75.517 Km2.

Its climate is warm and tropical with an average temperature of 27 degrees centigrade

Tourist Information:
The Panama Canal, with its unique location at the narrowest point between the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean, has had a broad effect of projections on the economic and commercial developments throughout most of this century. (más…)

Nicaragua: The Land of the 2 oceans in Central America

martes, marzo 17th, 2009

The beautiful and multicultural Republic of Nicaragua, which connects the two hemispheres of the Americas, is an unexplored land full of beauty, inhabited by warm and friendly people, one of the best Central American destinations. The Nicaraguan territory bordering Costa Rica and Honduras south to north. Its east coast is washed by the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea, while its west side enjoys the waves of the Pacific Ocean. In this tropical country can enjoy a varied landscape made up of lakes, rivers, volcanoes, lush forests, golden beaches dream by the sun. (más…)

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