Posts Tagged ‘How to visit in Molina de Aragon’

Molina de Aragón

martes, enero 19th, 2010

Castillo de MOLINA de ARAGÓN (GUADALAJARA) por castillerozaldívar.

Molina de Aragon is located in the northeastern province of Guadalajara (Spain), has a population of approximately 4,000 inhabitants. Its climate is characterized by cold winters and harsh, and dry summers and warm, with large temperature fluctuations throughout the day, the rainfall is concentrated in the autumn and spring. Despite its foundation climatology medieval city is the center of a rich and diverse region, its strategic location and boundary of the estate outside the independent kingdoms of Aragon and Castile, their charter of reforestation and agricultural wealth, cattle and forest on the successful settlement of an urban character that has been kept alive over time. (más…)

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