Mountaineer Guide: Stretching mountaineers

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Trek and yoga around Mt Everest, Nepal. por Eric Lon.

Before starting or completing any physical activity on the mountain, it is imperative that warm up and stretch our muscles, to perform our work at full capacity and thus reduce potential injuries.

Then I detail some simple stretches that will help you to better develop your challenges on the mountain.

1. We will squat with feet flat and at an angle of approximately 15 degrees. The heels will distance between 10 and 30 inches, depending on our flexibility or body parts which we would stretch when we’re already familiar with these exercises. This position is excellent for stretching the front of the legs, knees, ankles, back, heel of Achilles and the English. The knees remain on the outside of the shoulders, in the vertical of the toes. ‘ll Put up a comfortable position for 30 seconds. For many people this exercise is easy, while for others it is very difficult.

Variations: at first we encounter problems of balance are frequent falls back because of the stiffness of the ankles and Achilles tendons. If we can not squatting, as pictured, there are other ways of approaching this position. Try squatting in a sloping, or back against a wall. We can use a fence or a pole to hang on his hands.

The breech position is very comfortable and helps alleviate any stiffness that may exist in the lower back. Be cautious if you have knee problems. When we feel pain, abandon the exercise.

2. It starts from an upright position with feet apart by the distance between the shoulders and pointing forward. We passively flexes the hips, keeping the knees always slightly bent (about two or three inches), so that part is not strained lower back. Should stay relaxed neck and arms. Move forward until you feel a gentle stretch in the back of the legs, holding this position between 15 and 25 seconds, to feel relaxed. We will keep this physical relaxation while we concentrate mentally in the area that are stretching. It will move the knees, limiting ourselves to maintain that comfortable position, do not try to force.

In this exercise, the stretch is primarily in the hamstrings (back of thighs), in the back of the knees, back and mainly in the legs.
Some even touching your toes, while others barely grazed the ankles. Although we have different levels of different level of flexibility, we are all stretching their muscles, which is what we seek.

Important: each time we bend at the waist to stretch, we must bend the knees slightly (two to three inches) to reduce the pressure of the lower back. We will use the large muscles of the thighs to stand up to see the small of the lower back. We never erect with the knees tense.

This is a particularly appropriate exercise before any heavy work, especially in the morning or when the weather is cold. Protecting the muscles of the lower back provides many injuries.

Then we’ll place with heels touching the ground, toes pointing forward and feet separated by a distance similar to that between man and man. We will maintain the position for 30 seconds.

In this position, bent knees are tensing and relaxing the quadriceps hamstrings. The primary function of the quadriceps is to straighten the leg. The basic function of the hamstrings is to bend the knees. Since these muscles have opposing actions, tensing the quadriceps will relax the hamstrings.

While we endure this position with knees bent, feel the difference between the front thigh and back. We should note drives the quadriceps, while the hamstrings are soft and relaxed. It is easier to stretch your hamstrings if we relaxed previously.

After holding this position, we got up and bow again with knees slightly bent (two or three centimeters). We will not make reciprocating movements. We can probably stretch a bit more. We will maintain the stretch for 30 seconds.

Remember, that’s very important to flex the knee to get up.

To develop these stretches should maintain a comfortable and stable position.

It will be easier to hold the stretch if we distribute the weight between the arms and legs. If we can not support the palms on the floor with your knees slightly bent (most people can not), then use a ladder, an object or a heap of stones on which rest the hands. Try to achieve a homogeneous light stretching, striking a balance between the hands and feet that allows us to relax.

Yoga in Himalaya. por Eric Lon.

3. We will support the back of the heel on a tree, fence, or rock, which is at the waist or one that is comfortable. As the leg is kept straight, we should not use something too high. The leg is on the ground should be maintained with the knee slightly bent (one inch) and the foot pointing forward, in a position to walk or run.

Then, as we look head on, we slowly flex forward at the waist until you feel a nice stretch in the back of the raised leg. We will keep before relaxing. Seek proper stretching for Further increases gradually.

Variation: If we do not reach the toes, support most of the leg on a platform at a height that feels comfortable. We will use the end as a fulcrum, while we feel a stretch right in the hamstrings.

4. This series of stretches to help walk and run, giving flexibility and energy to the legs. All can be done standing.

To stretch the calf, we will stand, within easy reach of a solid foothold (walls, bus …) and we will rely on it with forearms, head resting on hands. Bend one leg placing your foot on the ground in front of us, while gently stretching your hips, keeping the bottom line of the back. Let us remember to keep the leg straight on floor, fingers pointing forward or slightly inward, while performing the stretch. Stand it gently for 30 seconds, avoiding the bluntness. Repeat with other leg.

5. Stretching to the chest and shoulders. Putting and keeping arms stretched behind, while maintaining a straight back, without leaning forward. We can support your hands somewhere. The more we move ahead, away from the fulcrum, the greater the stretch. We should not overdo it. It is highly recommended exercise for people with tension in the upper back or shoulders falls, as it provides a sense of immediate energy. It is better to do less of what you can, to surpass. We stop at a point that we can overcome not one in which we can no longer go further.

6. The elevation of the feet before and after an activity is a good way to revitalize legs. It helps keep light in a state satisfactory and consistent energy for daily activities. It is a great way to rest and relax tired feet. Produces well-being throughout the body and prevents a simple way and relieve varicose veins. It is highly recommended raising feet at least twice a day between 2 and 3 minutes to lead a revitalization and relaxation. We lay on the floor and put his feet on a wall, using an easy system to keep them raised. The lower back should remain flat. The buttocks are at least about 8 inches from the wall. If we lack a wall, we can put your feet up practicing leg stretching overhead.

7. This is an easy exercise that can be done lying on your back. It is beneficial, as this pose stretches a body part often hard to relax.

We relax with your knees bent and soles of feet together. This comfortable position will stretch the groin. Maintained for 30 seconds. You have to let the force of gravity is to maintain the stretch.

Change: maintaining this position, we will make ten or twelve times with the swinging legs, like a unit. These movements are easy to make and should not go beyond half an inch in each direction. It will start at the top of the hips. Used to prepare the hips and groin.

Trek with Tibetan Yoga around Mt Everest, Nepal, por Eric Lon.

8. To stretch the upper hamstring tendons and hip, a hand is held with the outside of the ankle, while putting the other arm and hand around the knee bent. Will throw the leg gently toward your chest, like one piece, until you feel a gentle stretch in the back and upper thigh. This exercise can be back against a support. Hold this position for 20 seconds. The leg should move evenly to avoid stress on the knee. Then increased the stretch to evolve for 20 seconds, doing it on both sides. Is it a leg more flexible than the other?

For some, this position does not produce any stretch. If this happens to us, we will fully supporting the back stretch on the floor.

9. To stretch the hamstrings, stretches his right leg with the sole of his left foot touching the inside of the right thigh. Now we have a straight leg and bent knee. Slowly flex the hips to the foot of straight leg until you feel a little stretch. We will keep the position a few seconds. Having relaxed the stretch, bend a little more for the hips.

We will keep evolving this stretch for 25 seconds. Then switch sides and repeat with left leg.

During this stretch, keep foot vertical straight leg, ankle and toes relaxed. We will ensure that the touch of the quadriceps relaxed. Do not tilt your head to start this stretch. If not reached easily on foot, using a towel to get there.

Heli-hiking adventure in the Bugaboos por Tourism BC.

10. One way to stretch tight muscles in the groin area is sitting against a wall or sofa that underpin it. With a straight back and the soles of feet together, use your hand to gently push down the insides of the thighs (not knees, but above them). Gently push until you feel a gentle stretch, to keep about 30 seconds before relaxing.

This exercise can develop in pairs, supporting both shoulders to maintain stability. If you have trouble sitting cross-legged, these stretches for the groin facilitate this position.

11. Stretching benefits the upper body and back is to place both hands, separated by an approximate distance between the shoulders, on a fence, tree or ledge, dropping the upper body while keeping knees slightly bent (one inch). The hips should be in vertical feet. (Remember to always keep your knees slightly bent when completed, this stretch). Then bend your knees a little more, feeling the change in voltage. We will support hands at different heights, enriching areas stretching. When we conduct this exercise correctly, it will be possible to stretch the spine. Stretching is a very beneficial if you have been working all day with my back and shoulders. It helps eliminate the feeling of fatigue of the upper back. Seek a stretch that we can maintain comfort and for a minimum of 30 seconds.

To develop this stretch you can use the branch of a tree, the top of the refrigerator or a file. I work slowly, but with some regularity and rigor.

Nothing more to say, but we hope to do these stretches before and after your activity on the mountain, and he enjoys it.

See you tomorrow…

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